
Heliocentric astrology
Heliocentric astrology

heliocentric astrology

When you watch the year unfold and see a few of these forecast predictions coming true, you develop a tested and experiential faith in the forecast that gives you confidence and the power to make things happen as you believe. In this age of unguided individual self-direction, for most people faith must be developed through proven and reliable knowledge. The basic idea behind the forecast is this - it is faith that works miracles, faith that gives power to our lives. The latter part will outline the particular times and details in chronological order. In the early part of the forecast, we will see a general overview of the year, a containing concept of its overall meaning and tone.

heliocentric astrology

Because this technique is unknown to the mainstream astrological community, it will give results that they cannot see. This forecast is derived from a careful technical study of heliocentric planetary transits to your natal helio chart of conception. You may specify the tone of the forecast, such as "tell me everything," or "no bad news just the good, happy things," or "emphasis on financial opportunities," etc. The yearly forecast delineates the general trends, ups and downs, opportunities and challenges of the annum. If you do not specify, it will begin on the day when I send it to you. You may specify any beginning date for the forecast, future or past. The Personal Yearly Forecast is a guide for the coming year, or for any chosen year. If you have not yet ordered a natal reading, you may do so here. If you have already ordered a natal reading, your chart will be on file, and you may order the Personal Yearly Forecast.

Heliocentric astrology